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Nuttzo peanut butter is quick, nutritious and a great energy source for athletes

EverymanTri.com | 11.11.2013

Mass production of processed food is in full swing in this day and age of the “your way, right away” mentality of instant society. In this fast paced world we live in, everyone is looking to squeeze the most out...

Aging: Customizing the Peak Period

Joe Friel | 9.11.2013

The Peak period follows Build 2b and is one of the shortest of the season. Now you’re down to just a couple of weeks until race day. Gaining fitness is out of the question. There isn’t enough time to have a significant effect and, besides, the co...

Aging: Customizing the Build Period

Joe Friel | 6.11.2013

In my last three posts (here, here, and here) I offered suggestions for how a senior athlete may customize the training routine in the Prep and Base periods to allow for more frequent and deeper recovery to improve the quality of training while reduc...

Aging: Other Base Period Training and Microcycles

Joe Friel | 3.11.2013

I’m back home after a two-month stay in beautiful Tuscany. As much as I enjoyed the riding there, it’s a great relief to back where the two-way roads are wider than one car. Taking the many blind corners on narrow mountain roads at high speed oft...

Aging: Customizing the Base Period

Joe Friel | 30.10.2013

I’ve been writing about aging here since June. This rather long series started when I realized this past spring that in December I’d age up to 70. There’s an old saying that it takes 10 years to get used to how old you are. That certainly is th...

26. ročník Buckův triatlon 27.07.2013

Fotogalerie z  26. ročníku Buckova triatlonu je k dispozici zde.

What I Wish People Knew About My Broken Back

Swimbikerunlive | 14.10.2013

Over the last eight months, a lot of people have asked me questions about my back, how I’m healing and when I’ll return to racing. Most of the time, the questions don’t really get at the heart of what I went through. For example, people would a...

Report of a First Time Ironman’s race. Gives a real life account of what happens on race day

Physical Edge | 10.10.2013

Challenge Barceona-Maresme 2013 Iron Distance race report SWIM:- 02:00:37 Position 1105T1:- 8:11BIKE:- 06:06:41 Postion 844T2: 04:30Run:- 04:55:18 Position 883TOTAL RACE TIME 13:16:25 Where to begin? Nine months of training and dedication came down t...

Vyhlášení Jihočeského poháru 2013

Jihočeský triatlon | 1.10.2013

Jihočeský pohár bude vyhlášen 23.11.2013 Máme tady definitivní termín vyhlášení Jihočeského poháru. Vyhl

Konec sezony 2013

Jihočeský triatlon | 25.9.2013

Konec sezony Jihočeského poháru triatlonu a duatlonu. Závod v duatlonu v Budičovicích b...

Poslední výsledky sezony 2013

Jihočeský triatlon | 24.9.2013

Poslední výsledky Ve výsledcích jsou k dispozici Budičovice. Dále jsou u duatlonu a tr...

Don’t Call It A Comeback

Swimbikerunlive | 24.9.2013

I only told a handful of people, but for the last few months I’ve been debating and evaluating plans for doing one sprint triathlon this year before the season officially ends here in New England. I didn’t put a lot of pressure on it, because my ...

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