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Dlouho očekávané oficiální termínovky triatlonu, duatlonu a Junior Cup jsou konečně zde!

Week 6: Front and back hip in gait

Physical Edge | 26.2.2014

Week 6 has completed and it was great to learn more about  the hip joints and muscles. This region has some of the biggest muscles in the body and is the powerhouse for movement. The way the body moves from the feet to head, or the head to the feet,...

Review: Zukay Beet Ginger Kvass drink is all about taste & antioxidants

EverymanTri.com | 24.2.2014

One of the big buzz words in nutrition today is antioxidants. You can’t bet your bottom dollar that any triathlete on Facebook, Twitter or the internet has seen at least one article about a study on which superfoods give you...

Termínovka pro rok 2014

Jihočeský triatlon | 24.2.2014

Termínovka pohárů pro rok 2014. Všichni netrpělivě čekají na zveřejnění ofici

EverymanTri.com | 24.2.2014

In this video we show you how to run like an Olympian by teaching the Top 3 Must Do Exercises. Joanna Zeiger is a former professional triathlete, Olympian and Ironman 70.3 World Champion. In other words, she's not only crazy...

GIFT week 5: Looking at AFS and the Calf complex

Physical Edge | 20.2.2014

GIFT week 5 was a week of further development of what AFS represents and the progression of bone and joint motion to the function of the calf complex.    This week there was a strong emphasis on what makes an AFS exercise an AFS exercise. Specific ...

How to Run Like an Olympian: Top 3 Exercises to Avoid (Part 1)

EverymanTri.com | 16.2.2014

What are the top three excercises to avoid if you want a long running life. In this how to video we show you how to run like an Olympian by teaching the Top Three Exercises to Avoid. Joanna Zeiger is...

GIFT training at the Gray Institute: week 4

Physical Edge | 12.2.2014

Week 4 was a week of building on our understanding of what AFS is about and enhancing our understanding of 3 Dimensionality. AFS is more than 3D motion of the body. It is a look at the Mind, body, and spirit as 3D and the Physical, Biological and Beh...

Physical Edge starts training with the Gray Institute

Physical Edge | 12.2.2014

This blog will follow the Journey of Rhys Chong, from Physical Edge, through his 10 month training in GIFT, with Gary Gray and the Gray Institute. GIFT is a course designed to encourage the transformation of others, through unique environments, using...

Valná hromada 2014

Jihočeský triatlon | 11.2.2014

Zdraváme všechny příznivce Jihočeského triatlonu. Po zimní odmlce se pomalu rozběhne nová sezona. První počin je již tradičně valná hromada. Koná se 19.2.2014. Na ní bude především schválená termínov

Video: Top Three Threadmill Indoor Training Tips

EverymanTri.com | 11.2.2014

Most people know how to run. But can most people know how to run like an Olympian? In order to run like an Olympian, you first neeed to train like an Olympian and that includes days when the weather is...

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