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Working Williamsburg

Swimbikerunlive | 27.6.2013

Last week I joined my Rev3 teammates in Williamsburg for their inaugural race. I’m still a ways away from training, let alone racing, so I took the opportunity to help manage the run course and cheer on everyone racing. While my bones are fully h...

Summary of 17 most common injuries related to training in the gym

Physical Edge | 27.6.2013

This series of blogs has been designed to give you information about the 17 most common issues related to training in a gym. Each blog discusses what is commonly seen by trainers and physiotherapists when people train in the gym – and also the impo...


Propozice Hostěradský triatlon 2013.pdf (42 kB)


Propozice Hostěradský triatlon 2013.pdf (42 kB)

Triathlon Team Loyalty

Swimbikerunlive | 18.6.2013

This picture means a lot to me. It is a reminder that I have been with Rev3 for the past five years. Like with any team, individual product sponsors have come and go based on changes in their marketing and business plans, but Rev3 has always stuck by...

Psycho On A Bike

Swimbikerunlive | 24.5.2013

13 weeks of recovery and I had built up the courage to swing my leg over my bike saddle and see how it feels out on the open road. I headed out to one of my favorite 15 mile loops. Low traffic, rolling hills, lots of woods, all right turns and no m...


Swimbikerunlive | 23.5.2013

The more progress that I make treating the physical damage to my body left from the fall in February, the more I’m left able to start to deal with the mental repercussions. I may celebrate major accomplishments like getting back to swimming, biking...

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